Insomnia, nervousness, depression, indigestion. Do they have something in common?
If we were to locate where life comes from in the body, we could say in a very simplistic and slightly distorted way that we can perceive such a place as the production center of life’s vigor. Life and vital energy is located in the abdominal part.
According to teachings from China, the source of vital energy is the kidneys. The solar plexus is home to vitality and often to the plans we wish to realize. The stomach is a good manager of low-frequency emotions and often a driver of anger, frustration, hatred and envy. All other surrounding authorities do us a very good service and filter +neutralize what they can.
My practice in sound therapy over the past years has shown that many problems have their roots stemming precisely from the very often weakened and vibrating solar plexus.
An unhappy diet is the icing on a cake baked from displeasure and resentment.
During frequency tuning, we relieve too much tension in the abdomen.
A suspended stream of vital energy is released in us, the strength of potential is restored, and many times clients feel uncomfortable when everything right begins to work in their tummy. And there is a sudden concert that reports that the cells and organs in this area have gone from a state of “attentiveness” to a state of relaxation and relaxation-harmony.
I will reassure them that this is an excellent loud message emanating from the ether of the tummy.
We have become accustomed to what is unnatural, we have become accustomed to what does not suit us, we have become accustomed to what we do not like, and over the years we have also become accustomed to who we really are not.
We are not here to perform medal-worthy performances, nor to race at all and put constant pressure on ourselves. In doing so, they resisted the often illusory defeats and experienced increasing frustration, anger, and all those other low-vibration oscillations that I have already mentioned.
The energetic equivalent of the word joy is the word life. RA- Egyptian God of the Sun. Enough is enough:). Having enough sun means having enough life. In cells, in organs, in pores. Having learned to (s)digest what we do not like, we get out of the carousel with only one brand. That brand is an imaginary arrow that shows us that we need to learn what we love to learn newly.
Find out what we like to do, what we really enjoy doing, and we feel that it nourishes us. Not that we do it through the ego filter, but through a real living spring springing from the center of our physical being.
Changing direction requires a lot of self-awareness, and self-reflection. On this journey, we will subsequently find that we are easier.
Lighter by problem digestion, lighter by regular doses of nervousness, desperate states of depression, night rolling around in bed and watching the ceiling for insomnia.
As soon as the level of life in our veins begins to rise, the mechanism of healing of the body, mind and soul is triggered. Shamans say, if the disease (disharmony) has a greater desire to live than a person himself, it is clear in which direction this struggle is going….
Sound healing has given me (our clients) the chance to turn the match around many times. In its resonant power lies all (primordial) science.