
Interested in Company events, click HERE
(you book your spot in the reservation section on the given date)
March 25-26, 2023 – Singing Bowls I course (beginners, more info HERE)
1.4-2.4.2023 – Shamanism course: Basic ancient healing techniques (more info HERE)
22.4-23.4.2023 – Course Singing Bowls II. (advanced, more info HERE)
29.4.-30.4.2023 – Course Gongs I. (beginners, more info HERE)
13.5.-14.5.2023 – Course Singing Bowls III. – Work with Energy
20.5.-21.5. 2023 – Course Your voice as a healing tool (more info HERE)
27.5-28.5.2023 – Sound Healing course for Kids (more info HERE)
10.6.-11.6.2023 – Course Singing Bowls I. (beginners, more info HERE)
Let yourself be guided by the cosmis sounds of gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, shamanic drums and chimes. They allow us to touch the essence. They bring back to us what we have gradually lost in the course of our lives. The sparkle, the zest, the joy. The only way to change your life is now, in the present moment. And it’s not difficult at all.
We are all looking for something. (Self)Love, healing, peace of mind, a dream job, balance.
Welcome to the magical world of the first Sound Healing Centre in Central Europe. We are the only ones in Slovakia dedicated to holistic sound healing in such an extensive professional form with long-term experience and results.
“under the auspices of Lucia Nosko’s international certified education, who has achieved the highest degree in holistic resonance, and holds the global title of Gong Master Teacher, of which there are officially only 24 in the world.”

Uniqueness, expertise, cordiality
Uniqueness, expertise, cordiality
Each of our therapies is unique, created in part due to the highest education in holistic resonance in the world. Our one and only therapies have been created over many years based on your needs.
Our centre’s doors are open physically and online for individuals, adults and children, for closed groups, and also for companies who care about the mental health of their employees as part of a work-life balance.
During pandemic measures, we are fully online.
Sound meditácie online
Pre seba
Mesačné online členstvo PRE SEBA
Čo v ňom nájdeš?
Desiatky jedinečných autorských meditácií v podobe liečivých sound healingov, šamanských techník, spevov a mantier, ktoré neustále pribúdajú.
Meditácie, terapie a kurzy
v centre
Zažiť sound healing meditácie a terapie na vlastnej koži je hlboký zážitok a dokonalý relax, ktorý zanechá stopu vo vašom srdci už navždy.
Všetky naše služby a produkty môžete zakúpiť ako darček pre vaše spriaznené duše. My sa postaráme o doručenie.
Personalaudio healing
audio healing
In the summer of 2020, I was preparing for the birth of our son. Like any first-time mother, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I felt I needed to prepare more and strengthen myself mentally towards the upcoming birth. My husband organized a personal audio healing recording with all of our gong master friends from different countries. The result was a tailor-made, almost hour-long recording for me. I played it every day a month before giving birth. The feelings were incredible. They were changing, multiplying, softening, there was everything. They definitely empowered me on a conscious and subconscious level, what I used during a very long labour. Now the time has come to offer such transformational Pesonal audio healing to you as well. It opens the door to the hidden recesses of our fears, to our subconscious minds and shows us a new directions. It is indescribable.

Lucia Nosko
sound healing master, therapist
In personal audio healing we implement your intention, which unifies with the infinite intelligence of the universe, the healing frequencies, our therapeutic methods, knowledge, practice and energy. Personal audio healing is the process of keeping a healthy high frequency vibration in our cells.
Those personal healings of ours are cosmic. It is such a brilliant thing that I recommend it to everybody I talk to. We are absolutely enthusiastic about it at home, the whole family. It is simply our soul shown through you. Filling our hearts with love. I can't even describe it. Thank you for this thought, it is priceless, amazing. I am extremely glad that I met you. Thank you, thank you very much. I cried at the beginning and at the end. I really want to get inside myself and merge into everything and everyone. I'm going to work on getting rid of my ego as much as I can and in any manifestation of it. I saw myself as a little scared girl who is afraid to show who she really is. I will listen to it every day.
Andrea DekánkováChorvátsky Grob
Hello Maťko,
I have just finished reading Kurandera and I'm telling myself that I will miss pachamama and suddenly, while I'm listening to your = "my" personal audio healing, you are telling me about pachamama. I got something so deeply personal and precious from you, as if we have been very close friends our whole lives. I can't put into words what I experienced during the recording. It hit me right in the heart, I don't even know, if I was prepared for it or for what came after. It was like the shackles were gone and I was free again. I have never experienced this feeling before. THANK YOU from the total bottom of my heart and my whole soul. What you do is special and unique. I wish you much courage and humility in your journey.
Martina HabalováBratislava
Mrs. Lucy,
I've just come across your recording and we listened to it with my daughter Natálka. I have to say that while listening to it, a very strong and pleasant feeling of relief went through my whole body several times, and the little one fell asleep at the end and started to breathe so deeply that she was gently snoring. I can feel from your recording that you put your whole heart and a lot of love into it. We will surely listen to the recording every day and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for it. You have really prepared it very thoroughly and I appreciate it very much. I am glad that I could turn to you for help and that you are able to enter our lives in such a positive way. Thank you.
Andrea KuzmováŽilina
Wow, Lucy. Thank you, thank you and thank you. We thank you both with my daughter Emka. We put the recording on and I tell you - wow! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... in fact, I don't even have the words and I don't even know how to put my gratitude into words. Wonderful! If you only saw how happy we are. Emka was listening, smiling and so was I. We are still in the hospital, we still go from one examination to another, but today I feel completely different. The recording gave me courage that everything will be alright. I'm going to listen to it again and again. And do you know what else happened? As I wrote to you in my intention that I needed to find a direction, what to pursue in my life, what is my mission. Lucy, I already know what I want to pursue. It came this morning. You've been a great help. In the most diffiult times, you came as a godsend. Thank you.
Veronika ŠimkováBanská Bystrica
Luci, I have to write to you right now full of vibrations after listening to the recording. I didn't get around to it before, because I was waiting for the right mood. However, when I had a headache again today, almost to the point of fainting, I told myself that I should not wait, I am turning it on and breathing. I felt the power, my own power, I felt black figures with ghost visuals circling above me and by the end I didn't even feel my body and I felt like I was floating, incredible!! To that what you recorded to me. I've been into herbs since last year, I pick them myself and drink tea or make a bath. It is true that I don't have pink clothes, but rose quartz and other stones are my favourite. I'm amazed at your connection and the 2nd chakra? You named and captured it beautifully. A friend of mine has a gift and makes custom candles for chakra cleansing - she sees, senses, creates and charges them and you are cleansing by burning them. She made me a fresh new one and the 2nd chakra came out as well - feminity, power, energy, me, selflove. Oh, Lucy, I can't describe it, but what an amazing decision it was to go for personal recording, the power of sound, I'm really grateful.
Katarína MikušTlmače
Each personal audio record is made lifetime for you. It’s only yours and you can listen the record whenever you feel to come back to yourself, in balance, immerse yourself into deep meditation and the get to know unkown parts of your soul.
Premium qualitytools with soul
Premium quality
tools with soul
The quality of the therapy goes hand in hand with the quality of the instruments. That is why we work exclusively with proven professionals who make resonance instruments. The multinational companies Meinl Sonic Energy, Olli Hess, Broder Oetken.
What isSoundhealing?
What is
Vibration is everything we see and do not see with our eyes. Our whole life takes place at certain frequencies and is based on resonance. Sound healing is deep meditation and healing in one. It leads us to a happier, healthier, more conscious and better quality of life. When we look within us, we find that everything we have ever been looking for is there. Absolute trust in life and unconditional love are the pillars of sound healing and tha path of self-development, or psychotherapy, where we discover the power of meditation and working on the energy centres = chakras.
“Everything in the world is a vibration”

Albert Einstein
SAT NAM is a Sanskrit greeting and it means “in the name of truth”. It is an important guide for us in our daily lives. It reminds us to be humble, to have a sense of truth, to keep our feet firmly on the ground, and to live with an open heart free from prejudice, limiting judgements and fears. When we succeed in bringing you closer to experiencing the essence of universal truth, we feel great gratitude…that we can be some sort of a mediator of what life offers to all of us, without any difference, in its most colourful spectrum.
In our long years of practice, hundreds of real results of healing, reliefs, transformations and spiritual experiences speak for themselves. We are very grateful for each and every one of you to whom our therapies bring back lost harmony and inner peace. According to your words, each therapy is an experience and has many of you led to healing or relief, and that is our driving force..
After the first sound healing class I knew it was going to be the love of my life. I was leaving the class absolutely astonished. For me, sound healing is a fantastic form of meditation. Through healing sounds one focuses on, and which penetrate all the body cells, my mind is absolutely calmed down and relaxed. After the therapy I feel like I have slept for 12 hours straight. I have a smile on my face and I even feel like my skin is somehow more beautiful (laughs). I gain energy for the next days. And of course I must mention Lucka Nosko, the founder of SHS, who I have already known for years and who is the embodiment of goodness for me. She always greets us with a warm smile and she gives people positive energy by only her presence. For her it's not a job, but a mission in life. You can feel that she puts her heart into it with the aim of helping others. And I am happy with her that she does it so well. ❤️

We are on our way. On the way where most of us are trying to find inner peace, balance, harmony... And that's how I found myself one day at the Sound Healing Centre, in a Sound Healing class. After it was over, when Lucy asked about our feelings, I enthusiastically described to her how the different instruments (therapeutic tools) had affected me. The gong obtained a special place. I remember her saying "You can't run away from the gong" and I admit that it is true:) Gongs are powerful! In one Gong Healing class I got into a state that is impossible to describe, but it was magical. I am looking forward to experiencing an all night Gong Puja, a weekeng in Krpáčovo, or perhaps also an amazing retreat in Sri Lanka. Sound Healing is a place worth visiting ❤

I am a naturally hyperactive person. I deal with a lot of things and I try to stay in control of my sport preparation as well as my work in the International Olympic Committee and thousands of other projects. I virtually almost never manage to switch off, which is why I found Sound Healing. It's a real miracle. I love those moments when I'm lying, listening and letting everything flow. I relax mentally and physically, I don't deal with anything around me and I find an amazing balance. At the Sound Healing Centre I am recharging incredible energy, improving the quality of my life and learning so much more about myself than anywhere else. Thank you, Sound Healing Slovakia!

Dear Lucy, I wish you a good day,
I can't help but write you a few words. Sound Healing has enchanted me, your classes are amazing. I had no idea that such a thing existed, my colleague told me about you. I have been listening to you online for over a month now and it is something great. I have recently gone through a difficult time and the Sound and Gong Healing classes have helped me a lot to relieve stress, relax, meditate... I feel very good, happy, grateful, balanced 🙂
I am very grateful for what you are doing. You are definitely helping many people.
I wish you all the best in your work.
Jana NečasováBratislava
On May 1, 2021 it will be a year since I do regular online healing twice a week ❤ I have to say that my life has changed in many aspects. In a good way of course. My partner and I quit our jobs and opened an organic shop in our housing estate. It will be a year at the beginning of the summer and it's unbelievable what happens when you change your mindset and add the right vibe 🙏🏻 and for that I'm so grateful that you two with Maťko offer this opportunity.
I just wanted to let you know this way that you do a great job and I thank you...for everything.
Ivana ŽikavskáPartizánske
Sound healingretreats
Sound healing
Spiritual retreat designated for self-development. Its main goal is to immerse into oneself and to embark for a journey of transformation. There is no meat eating and sound healing meditations are held several times a day. We build a collective energy together and we discuss and sense what is going on within us and around us. Sound Healing retreats originated back in 2017, when the 1st retreat took place in Low Tatras, in the magical Krpáčovo, our favourite place. Since then the retreats have been held 3 times a year.

Ayurveda & Gong / Sri Lanka 2019

Sound Healing Slovakia / Letný pobyt

Summer sound healing camp 2018
Why should we deal with our
mental health?
Under stress, tension and pressure our cells in the body behave disharmoniously. Disharmonic behaviour of cells affects our immunity, the condition of individual organs, blood circulation, nervous, lymphatic and digestive system. Energetically, it affects our meridians, chakras, mind, mental health. Harmonization is the process, by which we get back to ourselves, to our 100% potential, to our power, to our health, to our (re)cognition. Instruments such as singing and crystal bowls, gongs, shamanic drums, tuning forks and chimes have a wide range of healing frequencies. The unique resonance enters our whole body, like living water that heals, nourishes and washes away.
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